
Hi 👋

It's Dan, the creator of the Pomotastic project.

Some time ago, after permanently sitting in front of my laptop, I started feeling pain in the back side of my head and my back. The pain was unpleasant and almost permanent. It affected concentration and productivity.

It was obvious that the problem was related to the sedentary lifestyle. Even though I was actively involved in sports. After consulting with my trainer, I decided to visit the hospital. It ended with pills and massages.

But I understood that the problem must be solved globally. Before that, even earlier, several years ago, I heard about the Pomodoro technique and even used it. Thus, I decided to return to regular use of this technique while working on a laptop.

This was a short story about why the idea to create Pomotastic arose. I tried to make it very simple, intuitive, and useful. Nothing extra.